家风家训家规的范文 家风家训故事优秀征文


征文是指某机关为某项活动向社会公开征集相关文章。 以下是小编整理的家风家训精品文(一般35篇),仅供参考,一起来看看吧。




很多家长会以严厉的态度对待孩子,这让绝大多数的孩子开始厌恶自己的父母,只有极少数的孩子在被父母批评之后,才会感激他们的好意。 至于我,两者都有可能。

我爸不是很生气,所以大多数时候,他不会对我不好。 上次问他问题的时候,很多问题我都不知道。 其实那个时候我就觉得我爸可能会骂我,因为那些题我只要摸到草稿本就可以用我的能力完成,但是我这个人就是懒。 我拿着作业本来到爸爸面前,指着作业本上的空白题,对爸爸说:爸爸,你这些题是怎么做的呢? 爸爸放下手里的手机,接过我手里的作业本,看着题目。 ,再看看我,这个时候,我什至有些后悔:爸爸骂我怎么办,那我还不如自己动手呢! 突然,爸爸说:把草稿书拿来。 我顿时心花怒放,紧张的心情顿时烟消云散,我笑着走进房间,拿出草稿本和笔,心里想,爸爸真好,不管什么时候,他都愿意耐心地教我. 但是事后,我又想了想,不就是爸爸这么耐心地教我,希望我认识更多的话题,对这些话题有更深的理解吗?

随着我的成长,我逐渐形成了自己的观点。 记得有一次,爸爸检查我的作业,我觉得题目是对的,可是爸爸坚持认为题目是错的,于是我和爸爸就这样吵起来了,妈妈也过来劝我改正,但我不喜欢它。 不! 这时,爸爸说:“你脾气倔,我跟你说‘错就是错’,你怎么不听我说?仔细看看,好好想想。” 我不高兴,说:“你怎么说错了就是错了,你这次判断错了怎么办,你都说对了,对的就是对的,你说了也没用它。” 说这话的爸爸生气把笔记本扔了,我立马把爸爸骂了一顿,捡起地上的作业,关上了门。第二天老师批作业的时候,我才发现我错了,是因为我没有把定义理解透彻。爸爸生气不是因为我错了,而是因为我没有改正。

我的家风家训是这样,我父亲的教育方式也是这样。 他们都希望我能把每一道题都看透,不要误会他们,做题的时候有自己的主见。 未来更美好!


在中国,每个家庭都应该有自己的家训、家规、家风,我家也不例外。 我家的家训是:为人正直,勤俭持家,戒骄戒躁,热爱祖国。

小时候,父母教育我要热爱祖国。 给我讲爱国故事,让我看新闻,了解国家大事,教我好好学习,将来为祖国做贡献。

我父母教我做人要正直,说到做到。 当我向别人借书时,父母让我记住还书时间,并要求我按时归还书以兑现诺言。 有一次,我给了一个同学一个玩具,但是我后悔了,我很喜欢那个玩具,很想回来。 父亲知道后,立即制止我说:“东西给别人,说到做到,不能拿回来。”

父母一向省吃俭用,从不浪费。 吃饭的时候,他们要求把饭吃完,我们每次都能吃完饭。 他们还让我养成房间里随手关灯的好习惯,不该开的灯和电源不开。 每次我洗手和淋浴时,他们都会让我把水调小。

我的父母从小就教育我要谦虚,不要因一时的成功而骄傲。 每次我成功时,他们都提醒我不要浮躁。 有一次,我考试考得好,在学校里大显身手,回到家就跑到父母那里给他们看成绩。 我以为他们会表扬我,结果他们没有表扬我,反而批评了我。 从此,我不再骄傲,养成了谦虚的好行为。

家风家训一点一滴塑造我们的人格,从而带动家庭幸福和社会发展。 在良好家风家训的熏陶下,每个人的道德品质都会逐渐提高。


和睦相处是我们家的家风。 主要寓意“家庭和睦”,代表家庭和睦,家庭幸福安康。 “万事兴”寓意事业、家庭、生活一切顺利。 可以说,“万世行”是建立在“家庭和睦”之上的。


今年,我和爸爸、妈妈、奶奶一起做年夜饭。 吃着自己的劳动成果,心里甜甜的。 首先,让我们做年糕和饺子吧! 年糕代表“岁岁高”,是祝愿我们在新的一年里学习和工作越来越顺利。 年糕的做法很简单,一会儿就做几个。 接下来,我们又开始做糕点了。 糕点分为“大元宝”和枣糕两种。 其实包子就是包子,只是外婆家叫包子。 “大元宝”是用元宝做成的糕点。 将面团揉成圆筒状,两边捏紧,大功告成! “大元宝”当然是祝我们新年发大财啦! 另外,别忘了在铸锭完成后插入日期! 插枣时先压面再摘。 我问奶奶为什么,奶奶告诉我可以生“双眼皮”,有双眼皮的孩子很漂亮。 做完“大元宝”,我和奶奶就开始做枣糕了。 枣糕上粘着很多枣子,个个红彤彤的,好漂亮! 也许是希望我们来年兴旺发达!

包好饺子后,就可以包饺子了。 爸爸擀皮,我和妈妈包起来。 外婆闲来无事,笑眯眯地看着我们包饺子,我们更加努力了。 雪白的团子乖乖排好队,等着跳进锅里洗个热水澡!

当最后一道菜上桌后,年夜饭就开始了。 和家人一起,吃饺子,看春晚。 窗外,天空闪烁着五颜六色的光芒。 这是何等的祝福!



如果说家庭是农村,我是年轻的苗儿,那么家风就是阳光,家训就是雨露。 想要茁壮成长,两者的修为缺一不可。

我家的家训很简单:“小善以待,长成大德”。 小时候,看不懂墙上挂着的“善待小事,久而久之成大德”九个字。 但我依稀记得上幼儿园时的家庭故事会。 大概剧情已经忘记了,但是道理我还记忆犹新:再弱小的动物,他们的善行也永远不会白费。 做人亦是如此,“积小德,成大德”。 从此,“善”的种子就在我心里种下了。

小时候,经常被忙于工作的父母锁在家里。 透过方形的窗户,只能看到狭长的蓝天和小景。 这样一来,家风家训对我们的成长就更加重要了。 有人说:一个人的好脾气很大程度上取决于家庭教育。 我的父母也深知这一点,所以他们总是以身作则。 不苟言笑的父亲甚至以此为准则,潜移默化地影响着我们。

小时候,父亲经常抽空接送我上下学。 有一次,他说要回家加班赶一份文件,但车子的速度却没有超过丝毫。 就在我们快要过去的时候,黄灯刚亮,爸爸稳稳地刹车…… 三十秒后,我看到周围没有警察,试探性地问:“周围没有人吗?”正确的?” “红灯还亮着!” 预期的答案。 ”“小人仁厚,大德行远”他一本正经的回答,眉宇间写满了庄严和神圣。当然,类似的例子在我家也屡见不鲜。爷爷是国内有名的义务厨师村里,村里家家户户办喜事,大事请他做厨子,他总是积极帮忙;叔叔阿姨们也是勤劳朴实、自立自强的楷模……

一路上,我仔细回味着父亲的话,我的心仿佛得到了洗涤。 确实,大和小是相对的。 古人云:“小事不善,何以成大器”。 如果不屑于做平凡的小事,最终只能成为“语言的巨人,行动的侏儒”。

社会公德,自己的道德底线……保持良好的家风,长辈做好表率,后辈才能更好的传承下去。 “入兰室,久不求其香……”从牙牙学语开始,爷爷奶奶就日夜照顾我,教我辨别美丑,对吧和错误的。 虽然有些事情对别人来说无所谓,但对我来说,我会自觉谨慎地做出选择。 因此,我变得越来越自律,能有意识地将美德融入到自己的习惯中。

正是因为良好的家风家训的牵引和家庭的熏陶,我才从一棵初见蓝天的幼苗,逐渐成长为一棵亭亭玉立的小树。 我相信,我一定会牢记家训,传承优良家风,成为一棵枝繁叶茂的大树。


清代名人曾国藩,不仅自己功成名就,而且他的后代也是人才辈出。 他的儿子曾继泽和曾继鸿,一个是著名的外交家,一个是著名的数学家。 其孙曾广钧自幼博览群书,二十三岁中进士。 第四代、第六代遍及天下,大都学业有成。 正是严明的家风家训,才造就了这个大家族的辉煌。



又到春节了,大家又高兴又紧张的准备过年。 而满屋子都是我的牢骚:“今年的年货只准备今年的,小气,一年只有一次春节,不多买。” 沉默的父亲忍不住说道:“这不是不吝啬吗,我之所以买的那么少,是因为一年才过一次春节,大家走亲访友,大部分时间都不在家。赶时间,所以吃得少,买多了,过了春节就没人吃了,不行,浪费你有几千万,会浪费掉的。” “哦。”我轻声应道。


走出门,柔柔的眼睛还没有睡着。 “哎,这么晚了,妈妈怎么还没睡?她在干什么?” 一连串的问题向我袭来。 我小声叫妈妈。 妈妈用不解的眼神看着我,轻声问:“你怎么起来了?” “嗯,我起来喝水。” 我回答了。 “你怎么还没睡?” “手头的事情还没做完呢,早点睡吧!明天还要学习吗?” 妈妈还在忙着手头的工作。 那天晚上她似乎熬夜了。


自古以来,中国就被誉为“礼仪之邦”,良好的家风家训让中国名扬天下。 所以,作为一个中国人,我们应该把这些优良的家风家训传承下去。


俗话说:“没有规则,就没有圈子”。 也就是说,国家有国法,学校有校规,家庭有家风。 我家的家风是:“做好人,好好读书”。


爸爸教我要守信。 记得二年级的一个周末,因为我成绩好,爸爸允许我玩一个小时的电脑游戏。 不过我打游戏的时间多了,爸爸也很认真的收起了电脑。 说完,他语重心长地对我说:“唐林,你一定要守信用,否则你长大上社会就有麻烦了!”

我姐姐告诉我要诚实。 因为“人没有信仰,不知所措”。 三年级的一天,我不小心打碎了姐姐最喜欢的玻璃杯。 我怕被骂,但最后还是鼓起勇气向姐姐道歉。 不过,姐姐原谅了我,对我说了一句意味深长的话:“玻璃碎了不要紧,如果你失去了诚实,没有人会相信你。”

我妈妈教我要谦虚。 四年级的一次考试,我考了全班第一,回到家,我得意洋洋地告诉妈妈。 妈妈亲切地对我说:“东陵真棒!再接再厉,但要记住:‘谦虚有好处,满有损失。’”


五年级的时候,因为沉迷网络,期中考试只考了80分。 在回家的路上,我很害怕妈妈会对我做什么。 可回到家,妈妈对我说:“失败并不可怕,可怕的是摔倒了!下次要以此为起点,争取更好的成绩。” 然后我和妈妈分析原因,为我答疑解惑。 在妈妈的帮助和我的不懈努力下,我的成绩突飞猛进。 在期末考试中,我取得了优异的成绩。

莎士比亚曾说过:“书籍是整个世界的养料”。 在学习方面,我有一个好习惯:我爱读书。 从踏入小学大门开始,我就开始看一些故事书。 后来这几年开始接触一些文学书籍,比如《骆驼祥子》、《城南旧事》、《窗边的小豆豆》。 一有时间,我就拿出一本来看。

中国自古就是礼仪之邦。 作为中国人——我们孩子也要发扬这种精神。 只有这样,我们才对得起祖先,才对得起继承人!


家人是蓝天,我是小鸟,没有家人就飞不起来; 家人是雨滴,我是小草,没有家人就无法成长; 家庭是阳光,我是树苗,没有它我就无法成长。 国家有国法,学校有校规,家庭有家风。

在美国,一个顽皮的男孩拿着父亲给他的一把漂亮的小斧头,砍倒了父亲的一棵樱桃树。 父亲看到心爱的树被砍伐,非常生气。 孩子见自己有难,虽然害怕,但他是个不会说谎的孩子,在暴怒的父亲面前承认了自己的错误。 父亲很感动,高兴地说:“乖儿子,爸爸宁可丢掉一千棵樱桃树,也不愿你撒谎。老实人,爸爸原谅了。不过,以后可不能再随便砍树了。” 他的孩子就是乔治·华盛顿,或许正是这样正直的性格,让华盛顿成为了美国历史上第一位伟大的总统。

在我家,父母经常教育我做一个不乱花钱、不贪财的人。 这句话深入人心,只是小时候不明白什么叫没钱赚钱。

六岁那年的一天,舅舅家的一个小妹妹来我家玩。 玩了半天,舅舅把她带走了。 家里的沙发上,一条玉石项链掉在那里。 眼尖的我立马跑过去坐在那里装作看电视的样子,一只手拿着遥控器,另一只手一直拽着背后的项链。 我一找到项链,就跑到房间偷偷藏起来了。 吃晚饭的时候,脸上虽然平静,心里却忐忑不安。 爸爸妈妈好像看穿了我的心,一再问我发生了什么事。 我结结巴巴地把事情的原委告诉了父母。 爸爸先“砰”的一声把碗放在桌子上,大声喊道。 :“马上把项链拿来!” 我被爸爸的吼叫吓得哭了起来,跑进屋里把它拿出来。 妈妈接过项链,语重心长地对我说:“做人,捡金子要老老实实,不管捡到哪里,都要还给失主,不然失主会担心……你得设身处地为别人着想。” 我似懂非懂。 点头。 妈妈把项链还给了小女孩,连声感谢我,舅舅对我赞不绝口,我却羞愧地低下了头。

家庭是苗圃,孩子是幼苗。 家风如雨点,随风潜入黑夜,默默滋润万物,幼苗只有在雨露的滋润下才能健康成长。 孩子只有在良好家风的熏陶下才能出类拔萃。


家风是一个家庭的道德标准,就像食物一样,是一个家庭不可缺少的食材。 而在我们家,也有一个家风,就是如何做人。

做人,必须善良。 有句话叫“害人不可有心,防人不可有心”。 而我的父母也是从小就这样教育我的。 记得小时候,有一次,我故意往小路上扔小石头。 小道虽然狭窄偏僻,但父亲看见了,连忙上前拦住我,教育我:“这怎么行?” “为什么……”我感觉爸爸生气了,只是委屈地说。 “你这样可能让骑车人摔倒,等于陷害他人!” 爸爸激动地说,我静静地听着,慢慢意识到自己的错误。 父亲见我似乎意识到了自己的错误,语气软了下来,继续说道:“儿子,你应该还记得去年跌倒的痛吧?比骑自行车跌倒还痛!” 我下意识地捂住了左手。 伤害,我永远不会忘记。 这时,爸爸变得和从前一样亲切了,说:“快把那些鹅卵石捡起来。” “好的!”


做人,必须守时。 虽然妈妈没有告诉我这个道理,但她总是用她的行动告诉我这个道理。 每次和别人约好时间,妈妈总是提前几分钟到。 她说,这样一来,我们就不会让别人等我们了。 有一次,我开玩笑说:“宁教我等天下人,莫教天下人等我”。 但是,久而久之,我也受到了所见所闻的熏陶,向妈妈学习,养成了守时的好习惯!

父母的一些行为总能影响到孩子。 优良的品质是从中培养出来的。

这是我家的家风,让我从中养成了很多优良品质。 这样的家风,值得弘扬!



最近,我在一个电视节目中看到一个有趣的话题:什么是家风? 让我也想知道自己家的家风是什么样的?

接受新闻采访的叔叔阿姨说:“家风是一个家庭的全貌,家风就是在自己家风的基础上,承认别人家庭的优点。” 通过看这个节目,让我知道了什么是家风,让我知道了很多好的家风。 家风是做好事不求回报; 家风是诚实守信,不做坏事; 家风以小行成德; 家风是常做善事,无怨无悔; 国家。


首先,在勤奋方面,我爷爷就是一个很好的例子。 我的祖父是一个农民。 不管刮风下雨,他都要下地里种菜收割。 他勤奋好学,从不抱怨。 然后,在待人接物方面,我学了爷爷。 爷爷是商人。 每次和同事打电话,他总会说几声“你好”。 过年的时候,爷爷一来电话,总会送上几句新年祝福。 另外,在阳光心态方面,父亲是我的榜样。 爸爸虽然工作很忙,但不管工作多忙,爸爸都不会皱眉,永远积极面对。



在我心中,家是菜园,我是菜苗,是茁壮成长的小苗,陪伴我十三年的家风是甘露和雨滴。 是家风耐心地滋养着我走过春夏秋冬。 没有家风的滋润,我无法茁壮成长。

家风伴随着我从懵懂走向成熟,一步步踏上人生的阶梯。 是塑造我的无形力量——家庭的生活方式。 在模糊的记忆中,妈妈教我要有礼貌、尊老爱幼、诚实守信、助人为乐等等。 质量受到严格控制。

时间不紧不慢地过去,事情一再发生。 窗外明媚的阳光直射进窗外,我们家的议论声又一次传入耳中:

“你说你这么大岁数了,什么都做不好,你看,我让你给你倒杯水,你怎么倒的这么满,洒得到处都是。” 一向溺爱我的妈妈一边擦着桌子上的水,一边又开始唠叨起来。 妈妈的“话筒”虽然有点烦人,但勉强算得上是“音乐”。 听听就好。 原来今天早上姑姑来看我家了。 妈妈吩咐我倒一杯水给她喝。 有点粗心,但我不是故意的。 阿姨走后,妈妈的“低音喇叭”就开始吹个不停,大家小心点,别三心二意。 我只需要纠正它。

“这么大,我连规矩都不懂,客人来了也不知道怎么打招呼,干我自己的事。” 妈妈一送完客人,回来就再“给我”一句。 我怎么这么倒霉,“……!” 长篇大论说完,妈妈一点也不累:“你要懂得尊重别人,懂礼貌。” 好,”对说,“你好,叔叔。”

从妈妈的话匣子里,我学会了礼貌、尊重他人、专心做事……随着岁月的流逝,我的年龄越来越大,但妈妈一直没有松懈。 告诉我:“这些事情虽然微不足道,但能直接影响你的成长。” 我的家风是我妈妈一步步、一点一滴培养出来的。

没错,良好家风的无形培养,就是正能量的传递,也是对自己日后教育的回馈。 家风好,国风就好。

我们家的家风,愿它永远留在我家。 愿不断进步的风吹拂中华民族,吹入千家万户。 愿我的家人因此而更加充实和美好。


好的家风就像是家的主旋律; 就像家里的柱子; 像春雨一样,滋润着我们健康成长。 最近童鞋们(同学)总是在谈论自己的家风,现在就给大家介绍一下我家的好家风吧! 我们家也有很多家风!

例子很多:嗯,养成讲究卫生的习惯,吃饭要洗手,如厕也要洗手。 良好的学习习惯,作业要有计划,课桌要整理。 良好的生活习惯,教会我如何做人等等。

在我们家,父母经常教我做人的道理,甚至为我们家定规矩。 然而,他们喜欢用我永远记得的事情告诉我真相。

记得有一次,我和妈妈一起上街。 外面有很多乞丐,我对他们感到厌恶,看到他们我就恶心。 这时,又有一个乞丐来找我乞讨。 我心想; 恶心,给他一毛钱。 我把钱放进他的碗里。 我不想和他说话,但他不要脸,向我要钱。 我很生气,大声说:给我滚! 妈妈看见了,说:要有礼貌。 我只想到一个乞丐。 但是妈妈给了他5块钱,让我很吃惊。 气呼呼地对妈妈说:妈妈,你送他干什么?你五块钱就能买一株白玉兰了。 妈妈亲切地对我说:“他是一个真正需要帮助的人。爱。孩子们,记住,一定要有一颗爱心和助人的心,那颗金子般的心是用再多的金钱也买不来的。” ” 这些话深深地印在了我的心里,在我的脑海里,我被告知要有爱心,要有帮助别人的心。


记得那天下了一场大雨,同学们都被接走了。 我还在教室里,我想今天要是爸爸妈妈开车来接我就好了。 可我等了半天,爸妈还没来,我只好撑着破伞走回去迎接他们。 我想这次我不会原谅他们。 恼人的。 我只好慢慢地走着,雨滴打在身上,我觉得异常的寒冷,也许是心凉了。

我打开门,我想哭,但我控制不住。 爸爸妈妈笑脸相迎,我扭过脸不想和他们说话。 妈妈轻轻走过去说:“儿子,今天你自己走回来了,看看你身后的脚印,你以后一定要这么坚强。独立、坚强、自信、包容,是不是?”这不是我们之前设定的吗?” 哦家风,我们一起努力吧。”

独立、坚强、自信、宽容、有爱心,这是我们家的5种风格。 我必须努力工作,尽我所能,成为一个成功的人。 我相信我会变得更好。 我希望这些家风能一直伴随我的成长。 来吧,为拥有这些而自豪。


中国是礼仪之邦,五千年的文化底蕴深深地烙印在国人的心中。 每个家庭都有家训、家规、家风。 俗话说:无规矩方成方圆:从孟母的第三招到婆婆的刺青,良好的家训、家规、家风不仅承载着祖辈对子孙后代的希望对子孙后代的勉励,也体现了中华民族优秀的民族风范!

每个家庭都有朴素的家风,每个父母都会用自己已经领悟到的生活方式来教育孩子。 家是孩子成长的第一空间,孩子处处都会烙上家风。 可以说,家风是文化和道德的言传身教,是智慧和谋略的潜移默化。

记得小时候,每逢佳节,尤其是春节、除夕,一家人一起看春晚、吃年夜饭,爸爸就开始给我们讲他小时候的事:他的爸爸(她的爷爷)那是一个大家庭,有20多人。 吃饭时,爷爷先给曾祖父上菜。 曾祖父一动筷子,他们就敢吃。 我的曾祖父会给我父亲吃一口美味的食物。 、孝敬长辈”的家风。每逢佳节和农闲时节,村里就会有人聚在一起赌博。父亲告诫我不要参与赌博。赌博会导致妻离子散,家庭破裂。不许抽烟:抽烟有害无益,喝多了伤身体,所以我养成了不抽烟、少赌、少喝酒的习惯。妈妈天天说:养成注意卫生的好习惯;吃饭的时候,不能说不想吃,什么菜都不能吃,不剩菜,不浪费;尊老爱幼,不顶嘴为人父母,从小培养良好的举止;不说假话,不爱占便宜,做诚实的孩子,父母以身作则,“和为贵,孝为先,勤为宝,俭为德”“知识


只有良好的家风才能创造一个好家庭。 俗话说:家和万事兴。 相互体谅、相互包容、相互信任、相互理解是家庭和睦的前提。 以此为基础的家庭才是幸福的家庭。 家庭是社会的细胞。 只有家庭和睦,社会才能安定。

A good needs to be on, but also needs to be up, not only on , but also as an to form a motto.A 350-word story about time, and

家贫家风好,少年成才早。 作为平凡而平凡的我们,要努力将前人的优良家风传承下去,使之成为引领我们健康成长的潜在的、无形的力量。

and story essay 13

Games, don't like to study. One day after , he asked me to go to his house to play games. I 't the , so I went with him and until it was dark going home.As soon as I got home, my asked me: "Where did you go? Did you get home so late?" Mom was as as a cat.

, his face is very ugly. I and said, "I'm doing my at , and I don't come back until I'm done." My got angry and , "! I've been to your class, and there's no one there. You're still . ? Where did you go? Don't think I don't know! Tell me now!” that the was not good, my over and me to the room, and said to me : “Son, don't we tell you, be a man. Be , how can you lie? You are a , and your main task is to study. "Young man does not work hard, but the old man is sad"?" After to my 's words, I and told my that after In the of going to a 's house to play games, I my to my and not to lie in the and go home on time. A few later, a math test was out, and I was very happy when I saw that the score was 98. But after a check, I found that there were two in the fill-in-the-blank , and the didn't . In this way, my real score is only 94 . class, I was in a : I go to the to it? Or not to go? I am in a . At this time, the words that my once said to me, "Being " to sound in my ears. In the end, I up the and asked the to the score. The me, and I was very happy I was . My 's words are still fresh in my , and they me to be . Being is my and , and it has me in my .

and story essay 14

The is like a , us the of life; the is like a , us at any time; the is like a book, to us... The us to start from a 21st "". The who out his hand and his mouth for food has a good boy who has the to take .

In the past, I was not and had to make wait for me for five or six . Now I am and , of , there is a for this.

Every time I make an with to , my has to be a few in . She said: "In this way, will not wait for us." Once, I said: "It is to teach me to wait for the world than to teach the world to wait for me." Form a good habit of being .

When I up 50 yuan and faced moral , my style me like a . At this time, I what my had me: "If you find money, you hand it over to the ." I up the to hand over the money to the . When the me, I the true of up money.

Some of can us, and good are from them. This is my style,

and story essay 15

The of the is " ", the of the is " the ", and the of the is " ", so what is the of our ? Today, I will tell you about my .

On a night, I was eggs with . The yolk of eggs is the best! at the egg white, I my lips and to throw it into the trash can. At this , spoke up: "What are you doing?" "The is not tasty, I will throw it away." and , I the into my mouth. "It takes a lot of to make a egg. If you throw it away like this, it is a to the duck , and it is also a to the egg !" said . I .

sunny noon. "Don't move, what is this?" up a grain of rice and asked me. "Rice !" I said . "Rice ? This is not an rice grain! This is a grain of rice by with eight beads of sweat! Look at you, how much !" As she said, put all the rice on the table into "Life, don't waste it! I told your this , now I tell you, you have to !" told me. As I , I kept my head.

at the about on TV , I : My 's be ""! these two words are short, they a lot of truth! Be , and a small will be rich; be , and a big will be !

and story essay 16

中国是礼仪之邦。 Five years of has been in the of . 每个家庭都有家训、家规、家风。 As the goes: no makes a : from Meng The third moved to the -in-law . Good , rules, and not only carry the hopes of the for , but also , and also the style of the !

The is the rules, the ethos of the . Once the is , the 's and will also be , and it will no be for the to . This bad will among the in the at once, one to ten, ten to , and soon no one with this . It can be said that is very . it is an , it can make the of this last and let them go !

My 's is " piety", and . My have me: all and piety come first! is a motto that be kept in mind. With it, we can gain a in and let go ! These have in 's heart since times, but very few of them have truly it. , , and set them as , so that the next will the of China's 5,000-year and . 我会尽力做到,同时我也会影响身边的人,让他们也这样做。 Good rules have my . The said: a with rules. It to a of ; a with rules and to a and noble ; a with rules, and to a of and .

I hope that this kind of motto, rules, and style can be on from to , and one day, the four goals of can be : , , , and .

the , lay a solid for your own life, take firm steps, and a of the !

and story essay 17

often say "the has rules, and the has rules." Let me tell you about my 's style and rules.

The is the rules, the ethos of the . If there is no good style and rules in a , then will stay away from the with bad style, and the with bad style will be very . , every have a good and .

My 's and motto is to honor , , be , keep , and be . My have me: Only when I grow up can I gain a in and have a good , so that I can go and have good and me.

I one time, I made an with my to go to the zoo . , the next day, there was a wind, and I didn't want to go. My said to me very : "If you else, you must keep the , and you can't your mind just of in the . If you have very and you can't go, you tell your in . Don't the you have made, it's your .” My 's words made me : I want to be a good boy who keeps on time.

" piety comes first in all ." My 's words were often heard when I was very young. I have known since I was very young that I saw older call "" and older ones call "". When at home, I have to help my to pick up . Bring water to after meals. I will put some in the of my if there are ones, and share my joy with them. At home, I will help my to clean up the and get for my who comes back from get off work. What I can do will never my . They all me as a good girl at home. I want to say to my : "With your , I will do and ."

and rules me how to be a that can trust, and let me know that it is 's to love the and honor their . In , you must study the by the and study with your . I think I will be a good child of my , a good of my , and a good of my . I will be a for the in the .

and story essay 18

中国是礼仪之邦。 Five years of and art have been down to this day and are in the of . 每个家庭都有家训、家规、家风。 As the goes: no makes a : from the third of Meng's to the of her -in-law, good , rules, and not only carry the of the for their . I hope that the to also the style of the !

中国每个家庭都有自己的家训、家规和传统,我家也不例外。 我家的家训是:尊重老师、尊重长辈、尊重同学、尊重残疾人; be and and know how to the house; 远亲不如近邻,善待邻居; These have in 's heart since times, but very few of them have been . , , and set them as , so that the next will the of China's 5,000-year and , and I will work hard to do so.At the same time, it will also the to make them do the same.

My rules are: take the to say hello to the ; 互相尊重; such as up on the road must be in; I have to do my own I my I have time; . 这些家规有的是爷爷奶奶定的,有的是父母定的。 这些日趋完善的家规,让我明白了中国文化的进步。 从小,父母就要求我这样做。 良好的举止成就了我现在的成就。 良好的家风是社会的一种道德力量。 家族传统需要代代相传。 The said: A with rules to the of .

A with and to a rich and noble , and a with rules, , and to the of and .

I hope that my 's motto, rules, and style can be on from to , so that one day, I can the four goals of : , , , and .

and story essay 19

My 's and are all from the . The so- from is like this in our .

I have a , I my to work, but in fact, I just used to make soy sauce. Mom works very hard. She has to stand for at least eight hours a day, hours. I can only last three hours at most.

I found that my had to help every time she went to work, had to go to the , and of types of work, some could not leave. Once the alarm went off, they could not work . Mom puts her work aside to help . But if I don't do my own work, the will be low and the money will be low. I asked my if I could not help. 妈妈只是笑了笑。

it is and the is very hot, my told me to go home and bring ice water, and told me to get a big . The home is very close to the , so I got it . My saw that the had just water. The water in the was hot. to the new , Mom asked her to pour water into , and Mom ice water into her .

I was just , and I asked my , but she just and never . Mom has like this. 这么多年过去了。 I'm used to her too.

, I her .

At the , a good of mine in the 800-meter race. 游戏开始。 her and , and her , I a of water on the table and to the line to wait for her. After , she got , which is not bad. I with her for a while. I her the water, she took it, and she at me . I don't know what's wrong and I'm a . In this way, from my 's to help , I can see that my help and feel happy, and I also gain from .

this is the of .

and story essay 20

motto and , as the name , all the word "". the life of . A 's and the . is the that every from the older , and there will be more or less the of the , and can the rigor and of a .

The key to a good and lies in the . must first in a and . Only if the do a good job, then the will also form good . a good will the whole . , must set a good for their and play a role model.

refer to the for and to in the world, run a and run a . are an part of and an part of the tree. It has an role in the self- of and the of the whole in . , , , etc. to the of . The of a are to the moral of a , such as Zeng 's , Zhu Zi's , Yan's and so on. are the moral for to be human. If you the , you will moral .

and story essay 21

Every has its own style, some of which are of , some of , and some of ... This time I will talk about our 's style - the style of .

I that some time ago, the was to hold the long- . I was very happy I was by the to in the ! But I was also a : If I made a the game, it would the honor of the whole class, what I do? At this , I a my once said: " are for those who are ." So I went to tell my as soon as was over. My and to take me to the to on . .

On , when I my eyes, "Hey, why didn't Dad call me, don't you ?" I and out of the room, it out that Dad was for me in the room. I said, "Dad, I you to go with me." Dad said, "How can I what I you? We must be in life, and we have to no what. Do it." this, my heart , and I took my as my role model... When I at the gym, my told me a lot about and warm-up .

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the game. the game, I up, up all the in my body, and . When the race , I ran to the my me. As a , I didn't feel when I ran, and I won the first place. This first place is not for , it is I have such an and to teach me.

In this way, I have kept this in my heart, and I have my 's in my heart.

and Story Essay 22

潜入夜风,润物无声。 Some good are , and the of good comes from our and .

我有一个姐姐和一个弟弟。 Since , my told us three that you must love each other and help each other. The older must let the , and the must and the older , We will fight and fight, but it will not our at all, I what my said that a love each other. This is my 's motto - love each other.

Dad is often not at home. As soon as he gets home, he likes to call our three and ask us about our , such as: how is our study, have you ever ? 想到。 You must be about . , if you can't even your , how can you your work and life? I took a peek at my elder and , my elder to be very , my kept at my , but I to only the of what my said at that time, to hear the words in my ears is to study hard, this is what my said - study hard.

国有国法,家有家规。 Every time to with us, this is her . Every time our hears this , we will smile , find a small bench and sit down , to 's house rules. I put a few coins on the table on , to see if you would take them away to buy food it, but it's okay, I saw that all three of you saw the money on the table But no one it, so this is , as a human being be like this, you can't do some petty theft, even if the money is in your home, but the money does not to you, you just Can't take it, ? We in : Yes! Then went on to say, we are human with a , if we don't even have a , then this 's life is , do you know? We once again in : Yes! Then the class was over, got up and left, we let out a big sigh, it was over. This is the that our has to - and .

The of our is like a ray of , you these and , and this way.

and story essay 23

and are the fine of the . has a , which the old and the young, , and piety to . There is a in my , that is .

Dad often said to me: "We must live , be and ." 'I have kept this in my heart. Every time I eat, I will eat all the rice in the bowl any.

My likes to use the water for , rice, and to flush the . She often says: This can save a lot of clean water, and it is also very . This is a good . And Dad is even more . He has never a , and the is made of some waste paper. One dish is for him to eat meals. my would say: 'You are , you don't even want to buy a purse. 'Dad : What's wrong with this, save as much as you can, save as much as you can, use as a , it's to save money and easy to use! '

is the of our , and . All good and are down from to . we keep about being a clean and , many have gone to in years. These are all of poor and to good , which will lead the to on a bad path. So when we are young, we must learn good and , and be a good child who is , , and to our . In , we must also good of and , save paper, and do not to . 穿。

Every has a good , we must obey the rules and be a good .

and story essay 24

The five years of of our has been down to the . Every has its own and , but they have due to and . My style is not and . The words of the sages are to read more, do well, and live a real life.

The said: You can't show your , you can't your , and you can show your only by books. I was also born in a . 我的家乡在农村。 I heard from my that my was a well-known by the White Horse Lake. My and were also . My uncle and were in in their they were 20 years old. My has been some since times, and the is , but the of to read, duty and has from to .

In my , my great- would : " a child is like a herd of pigs." What the old man meant was that a few books at an early age will you in the ! these words are , they have a on me. My gave birth to us five . life in the 1960s was very , but my did not the and tried their best to let us study, at least until we from high . Even some well- my for such a move back then. Your old man's life is so , why didn't the older go back to the team to earn work ? just wryly and didn't .

have on our study and . At the end of the , the must check the card and the 's . He must not only have good , but also have good in . asked us to learn how to the house and treat from an early age, and to good . We also allow to hear good from the or .

not only speak , but also act as an . My later in a unit in the town, only ten miles away from home. But for the , we have never seen him take a day off, going home at night, and back to work early the next . We asked him why he so hard, and he said: "As an of the unit, you the unit as your home. , this is also my 's job!" This kind of has also me for the rest of my life.

I in a rural in my early years, and I was often on night . I still went to work the day, and tried my best to the best level and work . Later, I to a to do work, and I day and night. I often wrote until one or two o'clock in the , and I went to work as usual the next day. I feel very hard, but with the work and of my , it is . In those years, I was and every year, and I also made in , so I still feel .

In my spare time, I never relax my . I must watch news and read some books every day. We from high the and had no to go to . my work in the , I out time to the exams, took , and more than a dozen exams and , which my dream. in our have their lives very well and . I have a who also after from high . of his hard work in , he a 's . Later, he one of the few -grade in our and the city's . These be from its good .

Now, even I am at home, I can still in books, and to the news, and notes and about my . I never touch on the poker table. In , I am also keen to to in some that care about the next , pick up and drop off to study, and often guide some who come here to write for free. These make me feel very , and also our next . My who is in does not have the best , but she knows how to save and water, and , and . Turn off . have a and life.

A good is to the , the and the . a good is to pass on . We need our to pass on the baton, so that the good and good can be on from to and .

and story essay 25

家风家训家规的范文_家训 家规 家风_晒晒大家写的家风家训家规

Every has a style and . Good and can make and lead to ; bad and can make go and fall into the abyss. and are my and motto.

I one time, a asked me to go out to play, and the time was nine o'clock in the on . The place was to at the gate first, and then I went to find a place to play and go .

I was still at first, I go or not? every time I come home, my will tell me: You can't go out to play alone on , there are a lot of bad , and they are that will to me. When I was , that said , that I had found good to go with me. this, I : It's not just the two of us, there are so many , it be fine, so I . When I got home on , I just to find an to this to my , but my plan was by a word from my that.

I ate very of this meal. After , I went back to my room and lay on the bed to sleep, but I 't fall after and . I don't know how long it took, but I still 't the and fell . The next , it was nine o'clock, I didn't know what to say, so I about it like that. I I told my , and she said: "Since we have made an , one must not break one's , and you can't do it again." There are so many going , it's good if goes , can rest , you go, but you still have to be , come back .” I was very happy to hear my say that, not only kept the with , and did not .

I still one time when the math was and out, I it and saw that I was all right and added three stars. I was very happy and at this over and over again. , I found The two were wrong, but the me. I think the made a . I want to talk to the , but then I think, if I it, then I will lose one star, but if I don't tell the , I feel .

When I was , the bell rang. This class to be a math class, and the gave . When the about , he asked the to write on the , and the went to the to "". When the came to me, I still my inner . After at it, it was a , but the not only did not lose my star, but also my . These two are still fresh in my . They me to be and , and not to lie. and are my and motto.

and Story Essay 26

"No rules, no rules." Every happy must have its own and motto. The most point of my 's and motto can be up in two words - "Thank you", and , "Don't bully the weak and be of the ". it is and , it has me a lot.

When I was young, I was not at that time, as long as gave me , my and would let me say thank you. I didn't why I did this at the time, I knew that this was what say when they gave me .

And the when I was a child has given me the good I have now. of and , , who gave me , help and love... I will say thank you. My will say that I am out of sight and tell me not to say thank you, but every time I smile , isn't it a good thing to be ? And will say I am .

of my , I left a good on many 's .

Oh, by the way, my has also been of . Dad said: "Don't bully the weak and be of the ." In this way, every time I a weak , I will help as much as I can. Even if I meet who is than me, I will not give in at all. I will not be a wimp. have . of this, I am a who loves to fight and is .

"A poor has a good , and young early." As and us, we may not be able to our with rich and broad in the , but we will try our best to pass on the fine of our and let them one with the , force to lead the of !

and story essay 27

When I was young, the us the text about "Kong Rong gave away pears" in class, while my told me the story of "Sasha Sugar" at home. As a girl, I love fruit the most. , and bring me many , and more will in front of you , which me off guard. Just as I stood there the candy, not what to do, my up to me, at me, and then took my candy away, "Kids, let's make it !" Let's play the game, guess the brain and win the candy!” I was a at first, but then we were happy , you the brain every , and we a , we with each other their hands , was at their their arms. I got the most in the end, I took out the and them to other . This time I the joy of . I didn't eat sugar, my heart was than sugar.

My is my root. No how I , I took root here and hard to grow . I was to do my best for my . by my , I gave up the to work in other , to my to work, and an of . I am an staff the , I will take every piece of news , and be in every , every word, and let the news have . At the same time, I love very much, and I hope that can be more and the .

and into a river, and the waves of the river are like a few words from my , which under the . you and me.

and story essay 28

If we want to be a , we must hold our own cards in life now. Only by our own cards well can you have a . " the cards in one's hand well" is an of self-, a of self- and self-, and an to and .

The card of my life is my 's and motto - be , be to , and be with . This is the theme my me since I was a child.

"How can you see a if you don't wind and rain!" a life is a good wish in life, but how it is to truly this wish! In the long road of life, loss and will exist.

" have and joys, and the moon has and sunny waxes and wanes." and are like twin who you like a , and they are the of your long life. The key is how to put your when and ? Be , that's the we have in this . We are not of pain, but we are of our ; we are not of , but we are of hope. Being will take every big storm you as an in life and turn it into a halo in your life; treat every shock you as a new topic in life, and every shock will make you , Every you is a you earn.

I love my 's and motto, and I want to hold on to it—the card of my life.

Be to and with self-. My of this is to look at with a and look at with a glass. has two sides, each with its own and . the of is a kind of . To treat the and of and is a kind of open- and state of life. at with a glass is to truly know , , and do self- and self-, so that you can in a .

at with a means not to in the face of and , but to and allow to have ;

the , so that you can get along with with , peace, and .

I love my 's and motto, and I want to hold on to it—the card of my life.

my and motto are but a of , I will hold them and let them help me grow!

and story essay 29

The said: "Take as a , and a man dress up." But I think that being a man not only use as a , but also take as a and a good style as a .

With as a , you can and then them; with as a , you can and grasp the of right and wrong, good and evil; with a good style as your , you can step into a and broad road, to .

As the goes: "Hate iron but not steel." Every hopes that their can . They will their from an early age and try their best to pave the way for them in the . My me: "To be , kind, and eager to help . Only such a will be by . 'He who loves will love him, and he who will him' is such a case. ." So when need help, I will take the to ; when , I will take the to help him out of the ; when need , I will take the to give him... In short After that, my has a lot, and I get along well with , and , never in fun. It can be seen that its is great. , you need to tell the truth about the by , of , so that will lose trust . In a , can also help you and make good . For , when I have bad news and I can't bear to tell , I will tell a white lie to help not be ; when I make an with a good , I have to do and I can't go, so I make up my mind to tell the truth and day to the .

My also told me since I was a child: "One must live a life, face the world with a smile, not give up when , and . So when I fell to the , I would get up and say no." Say hello, what is left to is a smile; when I and , I will to work , break , , and step on ; , I tell aloud that today will lead to a .

A small grass, after being by the wind, can grow into a tree by to the of "never give up when ". With the of " ", you can your wings, rush out of the blue sky, and be proud of the sky; after a long , a group of wild geese can cross the , cross the sea, and reach the end of the . .

and story essay 30

A must have a good ; on the , if there is no good , it will be a kind of harm to the of . And I have an from my since I was a child.

I one time, the rain on the , the sky was with from time to time, and the for a long time. I sat on the chair in front of the , , for to . You must be : why wait for ? my me that he would take me to visit my aunt and her baby. I look to the stars and the moon, but I still can't look to my . As time goes by, the rain is and , and I have wiped out the . My didn't work , and it was "", it was , but for this long- , I it. In the past, I would have to the table at the speed of a 100-meter , and ate . At this time, my came over and said, "Baby, come and eat . won't come. Look, it's so hard, don't wait." Like a , my nose was sour and tears up in my eyes. I my teeth and to hold on, I that would come. Sure , as I , a in the heavy rain—! I was so that I and threw into the arms of my . I saw my was wet all over, the rain from his hair was down his face, and there were drops of water from his . I don't know if it was sweat or rain. After into clean , we set off . On the way, I asked: ", ! Why are you still here when it rains so much!" and said : "! One must keep one's word, since I You it, and you can't just talk about it! As the goes: Words must be , must be . must be , and they must not break their , so that will be to be with you.” Yes! Has , true to its word.

The of my has me a lot; the of my has made me take the first step to !

and story essay 31

China is a of , and its five years of has been down to this day.

And "" is also a major of our 's , which has an part of the daily code of , the and the dross, and the of some and into new moral . Many , has been the of every , a style. The key to a lies with the . must first in the of , so that they can their own good , their good , and their and .

As an force, has been . lives in a of . If the does not pay to the of and rules, it will make the of this and even the take . The 's on and rules will make this and even this . A good will have some , such as: a good moral , a , a , a , a , and so on.正是这种氛围造就了一个个身心健康的人、有作为的人、乃至对社会有突出贡献的人。可以说,好家风打造了儿童成长的好摇篮。










树缘村合,青山郭斜。 15日,走进鄂州市梁子湖区太和镇狮子口村的熊家坳湾,每家每户门前、厅堂张贴的熊氏家训,引人注目。在熊氏祠堂前,老人们正翻看族谱,教导春节返乡的年轻人学习家训。


































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