

问题一:What is the ?

答案:The , also known as New Year, is the most in China. It marks the of the lunar and falls late and mid-. It is a time for , , , and .

问题二:What are some and the ?

答案: the , there are many and that . One of the most is the on New Year's Eve, where to have a big feast. also clean their to sweep away bad luck and them with red and to bring good . red with money is , for . and are also this time.

问题三:What are some and used the ?

答案:There are and that use the . The most one is "新年快乐"(xīn ni&;n ku&;i l&;), which means "Happy New Year." is "恭喜发财"(gōng xǐfāc&;i), which means " you ." also say "过年好"(gu&; ni&;n hǎo), which means "Happy ." It is to these when and this time.


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