
政法类 公办 专科(高职)

湖南司法警官职业学院(Hunan Judicial Police Vocational College)简称“湖南省司法警官学院”省政府公办大学,管理隶属于湖南省司法厅,学院是湖南省司法行政系统的最高学府——承担着培养湖南司法行政尤其是监狱戒毒系统高层次专门人才和培训司法行政系统领导干部与警官的重任,坐落在历史文化名城——长沙市,享有“湖南司法警官摇篮”之誉。(湖南省司法厅监狱、戒毒警察系统公务员定向招录院校) 学院创办于1980年,是湖南省人民政府举办,湖南省司法厅直属的唯一一所警察体制的公办全日制普通高等政法院校,排名位列全国司法警官院校前列,入选中央政法委政法干警招录培养体制改革试点院校、教育部人才培养工作水平评估“优秀”学校、2013年被确定为省级示范(骨干)职业学院。 是湖南省法制教育示范基地、湖南省中职德育教师骨干培训基地、同时挂牌湖南省司法警官培训中心和湖南省法律职业培训基地,行业特色专业刑事执行专业1个,学院占地17.6万平方千米。[1]

Hunan Judicial Police Vocational College

Public College of Politics and Law (Higher Vocational College)

Hunan Judicial Police Vocational College (abbreviated as "Hunan Judicial Police Vocational College") is a public university of the provincial government. Management belongs to the justice department of hunan province, the institute is in hunan province of the judicial administrative system of the highest institution of higher learning, to develop hunan judicial administration, especially high-level specialized talents and training prison rehabilitation system of the judicial administrative system of leading cadres and police officers, is located in the famous historical and cultural city - changsha, enjoys the reputation of "cradle of hunan judicial police officer". The college was founded in 1980. It is the only public full-time college of higher politics and law under the direct administration of Hunan Provincial People's Government and the police system. It ranks among the top judicial police colleges and universities in China. It has been selected as a pilot school of the reform of the recruitment and training system for political and legal police officers by the Central Political and Legal Commission, an "excellent" school in the assessment of the talent training work level of the Ministry of Education, and was identified as a provincial demonstration (backbone) vocational college in 2013. It is a legal education demonstration base in Hunan Province, a backbone training base for moral education teachers in secondary vocational schools in Hunan Province. It is also listed as a judicial police training center in Hunan Province, a legal vocational training base in Hunan Province, and a specialty of criminal execution with industry characteristics. The college covers an area of 176,000 square kilometers.

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